Thursday, April 21, 2016

Test Stressed :P 😢

               I think we can l agree that tests are the greatest when it comes to academics. You study for days at a time, and for some reason your still as nervous as you were that time you crammed in all your studying the day before. Tests for medical reasons aren't that great either, really. Whether you hate needles, blood, small spaces, or just people in your personal space, will make one test worse than another. But even tests on the internet can bring you down if you think about it. Yes, there are all those test to see what house you'd be in if you at Hogwarts, but what about all those personality tests. I feel like those could even possibly bring you down if you don't get the result you were hoping for.

               Tests can seriously give people major stress.... So, why don't I tell you a story.


Death By Test x-x
I mean it might be my fault, but still, nOt fare!

               So there's a test tomorrow. And I haven't really prepared for it. I mean, I did the study guide and I took the notes, buuutt I haven't reaaaaallly look at them more than once. And I mean, it's not my fault, I've been busy. I have to watch allll of the new YouTube videos uploaded by all eight YouTubers I watch, and scroll through the past 24 hours of posts on Instagram, and post at least one photo worth being shared. But in order to do that I have to do something cool. I also have to keep up with Watt Pad. And then all the homework that actually has to be turned in. By the time I finish all this it's late. And I want to sleep. It's not like i have time to reaaally study. And it can be problematic.

              The worst part is, that if i don't do well my parents take away my phone, they say "the only reason you couldn't pass that test is because you're glued to that phone of yours, so until you drag your grades back you can't have it back." Which is so not true, and sooo unfair. Yes I'm on it a lot, but that's only to keep myself from being a laughing stalk at school. And I think I'd rather have bad grades than be who everyone sees as nerd. 

              It's totally bogus. They should just eliminate tests. It could make life wAy easier. And then that B you were working for wont drop to a D when you get a C on the next quiz. They could at least ,ake them worth less point so they would plummet your grades.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Beginnings and Ends and Everything Else I Can't Stand


             So this week I'm writing about ends/beginnings. Now, for me I haaate both ends and beginnings, because believe it or not, I am not one of the most outgoing people; so when I start something new, my initial feeling is "oh, is this gunna totally stink", or "is this something completely weird?", or "am I going to do whatever wrong and look like a fool?" That being making anything new pretty much terrifying to me.

             And then endings, ooooooooh the endings. Endings, I tell ya, will give you some serious nostalgia, even if its the end of something horrible. Because when something is going to end, you most likely will come out with some story, or new people that you relate with. I can tell you from experience:; I'm in 8th grade, and so now I'm going to my itty-bitty school with maybe 300 people, to the big o'l high school with about 4x that. And however exciting graduation, my friends and I can't help but think things like "I'm going to miss watching all these crazy people trying to best our math teacher in an argument."

             NOW IF YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT THE QUOTE ABOVE READ HERE: Some of y'all may be wonderin' what's with the the quote above, or that it doesn't really match the title of this little post, or something along those lines. Well here is your answer, this week i am writing a prologue to a book that doesn't exist, yet. (who knows, maybe I'll write a book called Beginning and Ends and Everything Else I Can't Stand and you'll be able to say, I was able to witness this person's 8th grade writing) So it'll all make sense in about a paragraph or so. Well, Here We Go! :D 


Beginnings and Ends and Everything Else I Hate

             Life is all over the place, but it's not like organized all over the place where your heart is on that shelf over there, and your brain is on the shelf bellow it, and your gut is in that drawer that's two up from the bottom, and three in from the right. Life is the all over the place when a third of your heart in under the bed, and an eighth of it in the refrigerator, and fifth is in the garbage can, and all the rest you have no idea where it is except for the twentieth of a heart you're actually in control of.

             And then your brain, it fools you, like really fools you. You'll be so ready for something, and hen suddenly your brain like, falls through the cracks. And it stinks.

             But what makes this the worst, is that it causes more then your emotion to be all over the place and you being unable to put words together, it can effect your friendships and grades too, which I guess is caused by your emotions being all over the place and you not being able to put words together.

             I used to be organized, but that was before high school. My life was totally fine before I graduated 8th grade. Back then I could have sworn I had it all figured out.

              My friends and I were going to go through high school, I was going to get a GPA of at least 3.8, I was going to get into a good collage and major in the fine arts,  was going to find a true love, I was going to graduate collage, I was going to get a place of my own, I was going to get married, and life would be great.

              But boy, I couldn't have been more wrong. When I went into high school, it was like they threw a surprise welcome party for me and in the process of that happening they move all my things around. So then, part of my heart was in the trash, and some under the bed, and some in the refrigerator, and so on.

              And during those times, I felt life couldn't get worse. The very beginning of high school, and my only very beginning of high school had gone horribly. I kept getting lost in what seemed like endless hallways. None of my friends had any classes with me, and soon we just stopped contacting each other, leaving me to have to either be a loner for what I believed to be the rest of eternity, or find new friends, which frankly, I was not the most excited to do.

              My life had officially become all over the place, and very unorganized. And being the hopeless young person I was, I never bothered to even try to clean it up. I just thought I was done for.

              But now I'm a senior in high school, with 37 more days until graduation. And I finally got myself together. My life is still all over the place, but now in an organized way, well for now at least. I'd made new friends, and I'll admit I've gone through a guy or two. And looking back, those hallways weren't actually so big, and I hadn't completely lost my friends.

              However stressful, or frantic, I felt in a moment, I now look back and smile. I suppose I should enjoy organization while I can, because who knows, maybe college will throw me a big welcome slumber party, and some of my heart will end up buried in the back yard.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Field Trips

A trip to the field? 0.o


               In sixth grade our class went to Medieval Times, because we were studying the medieval age. So when you arrived you would go through the doors (duh) and then you line up and they give you a seat number. But before you went into the arena, where they do the jousting, there was basically this giant gift store, as well a bar (not an actual one people our school isn't that insane, just a place where you could get things like smoothies and such).

              So of course, everything is crazy expensive (I got a tiny dragon figurine thing with a baseball glove and it was, if i  remember correctly, around $10), and this wimpy little flag thing that had "Medieval Times" printed onto it, and the places logo. Now you didn't buy the flag it was given to us, so everyone had it.

              Now I have no idea how this event came to be, but this boy (I think it was this kid Saul) and I had this wonderful idea of sword fighting with our flags. This isn't the grandest scene or moment of either of our lives, but the pathetic fight began. Now I'm not proud enough of  this moment to give great detail, but to sum it up; We were fighting and behind the boy I see a teacher just looking at us and then he(the kid) stabbed his flag into my side. By the end of the fight both our flags were pretty much destroyed and he was still oblivious as to the stares our teacher was giving us (he still might be).


Image result for tom and jerry sword fight

Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Diary Entry✮

April 17, 2010

Dear Diary,
          Today is a Saturday, and I have just arrived at Fort Lauderdale in Florida. Yesterday, Friday, my parents and I left at five in the morning to drive down to Florida, and again we left early in the morning to make it to the port. My parents and I are going on a cruise for our spring break, we stopped in Chattanooga, in Tennessee. 

          It's a very long drive, but I don't mind. I got to see many amazing sights on our trip down. There were mountains and lakes and rivers. One mountain even had a bunch if tiny little water falls running down them. We also drove through big cities like Atlanta, Georgia. I saw the olympic torch statue there. there were two of them actually.  There was also a Coke factory we drove by, even though we didn't stop for it.

          But now we are waiting in long snaking lines, so that we can get onto the ship. The ship is called Liberty of the Seas. The Boat is so big, you can sea it from miles away. But even that ship wasn't the biggest. There was another boat that still even taller and longer. It's so amazing. I can't wait to explore the ship, hopefully I don't get lost.

                                I'll tell you more later

Thursday, March 3, 2016

❤ Choose Love ❤


We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place.  And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love.  Always choose love.”  

(from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70)


           As said above, this quote is from Daniel's Story, said by Erika, the main character, Daniel's sister. And as quoted "Always choose love," we should all always choose love. However, sadly, it seems not often that one would choose love, even in books and movies, however good a story it makes. In both reality and fiction there are betrayals, and evils in ones world. But in the midst of all that, there are still people who do choose love and act kindly. One of those who chose love was the character some people know all to well, Severus Snape from the Harry Potter Series. 



Keyword possible. It really depends on your opinion of what a spoiler is, I personally don't think this is a spoiler, but I know some of my friends would be freaking out. (not to mention yelling at me after they read this post)


           In J.K. Rowlings last book of the Harry Potter Series, The Deathly Hollows, J.K Rowling reveals Snape's love for Lilly Potter, and as one may know Lilly and her husband James Potter are both dead. But before they die they go into hiding when word tells the the evil Lord Voldemort is going to come kill James and Lilly as well as their son Harry Potter. 

           But how might have word gotten out about this murderous plan? ( I mean usually when you're going to murder some one, you try to keep it down) Background story: Snape was one of Voldemort's followers (how he became one? read the books). So Snape was in on the gist. So, Snape had gone to Dumbledore, one of the people on charge of trying to defeat Voldemort, and told him these people are about to be murdered.

           But why would Snape do that? I mean there were multiple things on the line:

                      1. Well, um, for starts, his life; He's pretty much working for the wizarding world's         most feared sorcerer. If Volde found out out, he isn't just throwing a little temper tantrum, he'd be blowing up. One flick of the wrist and Snape would be dead, if he was lucky. If Snape weren't lucky, well I don't really want to think about it. 

                      2. The chance to get revenge on James; James married Snape's true love, so naturally,       Snape was not the biggest fan of James (now there's more to it, but again; wanna know? Read the books). And remember, Snape had the join what was basically the dark side, the side that murdered people and laughed. This would have been the perfect opportunity for Snape, having the man he hated watch those he loved die.

                      3. His reputation; To be able to murder some one you have to either be really mean, or just insane. So, Snape has built up this reputation of being mean, and suddenly you're saving the people that you leader hates and wants dead. After that, those people would never look at you the same.

           Now considering all that, Snape still did, what many would consider, the right thing. People could and would call this act many things; Brave, courageous, bold. But it's what caused him to be brave and courageous and bold, love. Severus Snape loved Lilly Potter, and did not want her to die, or live knowing that her son and husband were dead. So, Snape looked past the risk of loosing his life, and reputation, and looked past the chance at revenge, and still chose to try to save Lilly, and not just Lilly, but her family too, so she wouldn't have to live in grief. 

           So, if Snape could do the right thing under those circumstances, why can't we? "But he's just a character in a book," yes he is, but I'm sure there's someone with circumstances just as pressing, and still found the heart do act on love.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Year

              So, this year is a leap year, which means one more day of February, which then leads to an extra day of the year.

             Now I'm not fully aware of the point of leap years. I mean according to Google, it's used as a corrective day, because after four years it takes an extra day for the earth to orbit around the sun. But truthfully who really, like really, cares whether the earth orbits the sun in 365 or 366 days?

             It totally could just be me, but leap year seems pretty useless. I supposed after a lot of years the years would be thrown off, but then why, of all months, add the day to February? Like, yes, February does have the least days of all the months. But why does February have so few days? It's kind of just like, hey people who made the calendar, take a day off of two of the months that have 31 days and give it to February, then just add the leap day to the end of the year rather than some random month of the year.

              I do suppose it's a little late to change the calendar now, but still, what can you do?  


Friday, February 5, 2016

Picture Story~A Story Based off of A Photo

                  So this week, I'm writing a based off a picture. So this is the picture I found that I could actually come up with a story for. Funny thing is the story I'm telling you is partially true...


              A mother walks into her small suburban home. It seemed awfully quiet, but decided to dismiss it and enjoy the rare silence. Grateful for the peace, the young mother sat down on their couch and picked up a book.

              A few hours later, the mother became antsy. Of course she like the quiet, but it had been too quiet for too long. The baby should have cried for his afternoon snack by now and her other daughter should have been yelling for her to shut the baby up. She got up and walked up the old wooden stairs to the second floor.
           "Anne?" she called for her first and eldest child. There was no response. Beginning to worry, she approached her daughters room. 

           "Anne" she called once more firmly now. Still with no answer, she opened the poster covered door. She was welcomed by her daughter as well as another girl she had yet to see. Her daughter looked up.
          "Oh, hi mom. Aren't you home early?" she asked, with a face that seemed a little too innocent.
          "No, I am not," the mother looked at the girl sitting on the twin sized bed covered with flower bedding and stuffed toys "May I ask who you might be? I don't believe we have met," she continued with a smile.
          "Um, Lexi, ma'am. Your daughter invited me over, she, uh, said it would be fine with you" said the girl awkwardly. The girl, Lexi, fiddled nervously with her hand.

        "Yes that would have been fine if she asked, however I can't just kick you out. Now, May I ask where your brother is, you should be watching him," the mother raised an eyebrow and look at her daughter in the eyes.

        "I'm mean, technically I am..." Anne looked towards the wall beside the door. This part of the wall however was block from her mother's view due to how the door opened. Her mom walked a bit farther into the room and gasped.

        "Anne!" she exclaimed. She had found her one year old boy had been taped to the wall with duck tape! "downs stares now," she said firmly "And Lexi, dear, I'm so sorry but could you call your parents and ask them to come pick you up?"

        Lexi immediately headed for the door as Anne trudged. The mother quickly went to the other side of the door frame an carefully began un-taping the baby.


      Well I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Tell me what happens to Anne, and what happens when her father gets home? ADIOS!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Science is Interesting....

So, in science class we had to make gametes and make them reproduce.... Now, not the most beautiful creature on earth, but possibly not the ugliest... But our teacher wanted us to do a blog post on how this, ah,  wonderful, creature fits in. So, um, here we go.

First person: Chloe (the oh so lovely being...)

August 20th, 2016

Dear diary,
         Today was my first day of school. It was interesting. I was the only one with both horns and a halo, but I guess it's kind of cool. Some older kid said it was ironic, but I'm not sure what that means really. Some people made fun of my nose and thumbs, but I can't be to bothered by it. I mean, no ones perfect. Right?  I'm not the most pleased with my toes, but at least they're covered by me shoes. But it wasn't all negative. People loved my hair, they said they wished they had long curly hair like mine. One person said "I can't imagine how long it'd be f it were strait," I think it was a compliment. well that's all I have for today, diary.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Food, Glorious Food😋


                  So as one might tell, this post is about food, yum.... SO! Here we go.


Emotional Food

                  What is emotional food? I don't know. In this case it's just a food that has a memory attached to it....I guess...


  No, not all emotional foods need to have huge moving, memories. Okay, why Doritos? Well I don't actually remember this happening, but I remember hearing this this story many, many times.


                  So, this was during the summer, and at a family party, there was a bag of Doritos, alright? Nothing out of the ordinary. But my oldest brother decided to take each Dorito from the bag, lick it, and put it back. Ew, I know. But then my aunt went to eat them, but now that my brother had licked them all, they were a....slightly....ahh shall I put it, soggy........ So she eats one and just says, "Hm, these are soggy, it must be really humid," and continues to eat it....

                   Would no one be like, "Oh these are soggy, I wonder why, I'm not going to eat them" You don't even have to put the thing in your MOUTH! I think you'd be able to tell when you touch it....


Wheat Thins

                        Ah, the Wheat Thins....

                  So this was again during the summer, and there was a party, in a way, at my house. Now we live behind a park, so there were basically people every where. An so around dust, my dad started a bonfire. and so there was this box of Wheat Thins. And so, my one cousin got bored and decided to start throwing the Wheat Thins into the fire....

                  Why would he do that? I really don't know. Why did you let him do it? I didn't really care, I thought....I don't know what I thought. But my mother was like "stOp you're wAsting foOd"



                    Bake 'em, Mash em', Put 'em inna' stew~~~~How do you like Your Potatoes done?

                      So, sometimes for Thanksgiving my family will go up to Wisconsin to my mom's parents. And so my grandma will usually make these amazing mashed potatoes, both white and sweet potatoes. And sometimes even the potatoes will be grown in their garden.And so then the potatoes come out of the oven warm  and everything right? Yum.

                    And so one fateful Thanksgiving, we went up to Wisconsin. And so nothing seemed abnormal or anything. We sit down for dinner and then start serving our selves. Everyone is taking a bit of everything; Mashed potatoes, sweet mashed potatoes, ham, turkey. green bean casserole and all that good stuff. And so my dad is the first to take a bit of the sweet potatoes, nothing abnormal. But then my brother ate some sweet potato, and he makes this weird face. He re-aligns his face to a happier expression and says "Hey grandma, how do you like the sweet potatoes?"

                       Now my grandma hadn't tried the sweet potatoes yet, so naturally in order to answer my brother's question she tries some.

                      I was young, and so I don't exactly remember the reaction, however I wish I did. But these sweet potatoes weren't the home grown, home made potatoes that my grandma usually made. These potatoes came from a can... I wouldn't think that a potatoes would taste as bad as they did, even from a can, maybe from my school, but canned potatoes shouldn't have tasted that bad. So, luckily, I was not a victim of the canned sweet potatoes that year

                    A few years later my dad did get a few cans of the oh so "wonderful' sweet potatoes....

Glory's right. :P


                        Welp, I hope you don't think my family and I are completely insane yet, ADIOS!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What's New~Nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What am I writing you ask?~ Well I don't really know myself

   This week for class is doing a free post, but on days like today I'm lacking in imagination (only slightly). "How can you run out of imagination?" one might ask. Well fellow beings, I used my share for two days yesterday while drawing. "What were you drawing" a young sapling may ponder. Well young sapling, that could become an ancient mystery. Because it was simply abstract art, and that isn't something that can reallllllly be explained. sO, this week my post is just me and my maze of a mind spewing out random thoughts.


          Downton Abby

     So, my parents started watching Downton Abby, and because I live with them I kind of sort of totally picked it up, too. Right now I'm towards the end of season 2. Do NOT spoil it, PLEASE!! However, give me input on your opinions. I'm not sure what I think of it yet, so you could totally help me come to a conclusion about this show.


Once Upon A Time

                So now thinking of tv, I'm really into Once Upon a Time. (anyone else all over it?) I was really mad when Gallivant came back and put Once Upon a Time on hold. I means Gallivant is fine, BUT don't delay the continuation of a REALLY REALLY GOOD SHOW!!! AHHH! I was so mad.... still kind of am. Please tell me I'm not the only one freaking about it.


All The Amazing Books of the World

            AAAHHH!!! There are so many books I want to read!! I want to read more books by people like John Green and Rainbow Rowell. OOhhhh, I can't even explain!!! I have a list of like 100 books I want to read. It was on my phone, but then somehow it got deleted, I was soooooo sad. :'( But seriously there are so many good books around. So if anyone has any recommendations, do tell. I really like the "Harry Potter" series, "Selection" series, "Fangirl", the "Legend" series, and "The Secret Garden". And just so you know "The Secret Garden" is an oldie's book, but its still an amazing book. And I can't wait to read a book called "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" from what I know of it, it's supposedly kind of like "The Fault in Our Stars". OOHHH, so many books. So any recommendations? I'm open to mostly anything. :D

Books are special so the get this little rant gets two gifs.


The Selection Series

For all Selection Series fans: Maxon or Aspen?(comment below)

                So as listed above, I looove the selection series. If you haven't read it, you totally should. There are currently a total of four books, "The Selection" hence the name of the series, "The Elite", "The One", and "The Heir". Then there's also "Happily Ever After" that are like mini stories. I fell in love with the series. I can't wait for the next book to come out. X)


Just Because It's Cute


Well I hope you don't think I'm too crazy yet... ADIOS!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Movie Review

McFarland, USA

             Okay, I'm a book worm, so of course I'm not the hugest movie fan. However, I will admit, there are plenty of amazing movies out there. One of movies I love is "McFarland, USA"

              In the movie the White family moves to McFarland for Jim White's, the father, work. Jim is a P.E. teacher at a predominantly Latino high school. Mr. White learns that there are many differences needed to be work out. When he learns of the running skills with in the school, he is determined to start a cross country team. With a bit of work a team eventually comes together. And with ups and downs along with a few twists and turns, the team finds themselves in the champions.

                I you ever watch this amazing movie I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It's an amazing story and some good lessons can be learned. And it's not just the main story I just explained, there are parts of the movie of how the family readjusts to this new environment, and such.  

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

News Years~ Do's and Don't's

              Well 2016 is here :D ( that could very possibly be the wrong facial expression....) Time to set some rules for this new year... Even though I'll break every rule at least twice :].


             ✓ Do's                                                                     

 -Think before I speak              l                                                                   
 -Be kind             l                                           
 -Make more friends
 -Focus on school
 -Work on good grades
 -Enjoy life (we mustn't forget that)
 -Draw more
 -Practice instruments (yeah that's probably
     not happening...)
 -Read more (yes please)
 -Try new food or activity


 -Procrastinate (really got to work on that)
 -Be narrow minded
 -Ignore the small things
 -Stress over pointless things
 -Act on anger
 -Forget about books
 -Spend money thoughtlessly
 ✗-Give up
 -Make myself overly busy
 ✗-Be unmindful of others


So now, lets try not to mess up this year quite as much. ;-; oh my, here we go...
