Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Year

              So, this year is a leap year, which means one more day of February, which then leads to an extra day of the year.

             Now I'm not fully aware of the point of leap years. I mean according to Google, it's used as a corrective day, because after four years it takes an extra day for the earth to orbit around the sun. But truthfully who really, like really, cares whether the earth orbits the sun in 365 or 366 days?

             It totally could just be me, but leap year seems pretty useless. I supposed after a lot of years the years would be thrown off, but then why, of all months, add the day to February? Like, yes, February does have the least days of all the months. But why does February have so few days? It's kind of just like, hey people who made the calendar, take a day off of two of the months that have 31 days and give it to February, then just add the leap day to the end of the year rather than some random month of the year.

              I do suppose it's a little late to change the calendar now, but still, what can you do?  


Friday, February 5, 2016

Picture Story~A Story Based off of A Photo

                  So this week, I'm writing a based off a picture. So this is the picture I found that I could actually come up with a story for. Funny thing is the story I'm telling you is partially true...


              A mother walks into her small suburban home. It seemed awfully quiet, but decided to dismiss it and enjoy the rare silence. Grateful for the peace, the young mother sat down on their couch and picked up a book.

              A few hours later, the mother became antsy. Of course she like the quiet, but it had been too quiet for too long. The baby should have cried for his afternoon snack by now and her other daughter should have been yelling for her to shut the baby up. She got up and walked up the old wooden stairs to the second floor.
           "Anne?" she called for her first and eldest child. There was no response. Beginning to worry, she approached her daughters room. 

           "Anne" she called once more firmly now. Still with no answer, she opened the poster covered door. She was welcomed by her daughter as well as another girl she had yet to see. Her daughter looked up.
          "Oh, hi mom. Aren't you home early?" she asked, with a face that seemed a little too innocent.
          "No, I am not," the mother looked at the girl sitting on the twin sized bed covered with flower bedding and stuffed toys "May I ask who you might be? I don't believe we have met," she continued with a smile.
          "Um, Lexi, ma'am. Your daughter invited me over, she, uh, said it would be fine with you" said the girl awkwardly. The girl, Lexi, fiddled nervously with her hand.

        "Yes that would have been fine if she asked, however I can't just kick you out. Now, May I ask where your brother is, you should be watching him," the mother raised an eyebrow and look at her daughter in the eyes.

        "I'm mean, technically I am..." Anne looked towards the wall beside the door. This part of the wall however was block from her mother's view due to how the door opened. Her mom walked a bit farther into the room and gasped.

        "Anne!" she exclaimed. She had found her one year old boy had been taped to the wall with duck tape! "downs stares now," she said firmly "And Lexi, dear, I'm so sorry but could you call your parents and ask them to come pick you up?"

        Lexi immediately headed for the door as Anne trudged. The mother quickly went to the other side of the door frame an carefully began un-taping the baby.


      Well I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Tell me what happens to Anne, and what happens when her father gets home? ADIOS!