Thursday, March 17, 2016

Field Trips

A trip to the field? 0.o


               In sixth grade our class went to Medieval Times, because we were studying the medieval age. So when you arrived you would go through the doors (duh) and then you line up and they give you a seat number. But before you went into the arena, where they do the jousting, there was basically this giant gift store, as well a bar (not an actual one people our school isn't that insane, just a place where you could get things like smoothies and such).

              So of course, everything is crazy expensive (I got a tiny dragon figurine thing with a baseball glove and it was, if i  remember correctly, around $10), and this wimpy little flag thing that had "Medieval Times" printed onto it, and the places logo. Now you didn't buy the flag it was given to us, so everyone had it.

              Now I have no idea how this event came to be, but this boy (I think it was this kid Saul) and I had this wonderful idea of sword fighting with our flags. This isn't the grandest scene or moment of either of our lives, but the pathetic fight began. Now I'm not proud enough of  this moment to give great detail, but to sum it up; We were fighting and behind the boy I see a teacher just looking at us and then he(the kid) stabbed his flag into my side. By the end of the fight both our flags were pretty much destroyed and he was still oblivious as to the stares our teacher was giving us (he still might be).


Image result for tom and jerry sword fight

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