Saturday, April 9, 2016

Beginnings and Ends and Everything Else I Can't Stand


             So this week I'm writing about ends/beginnings. Now, for me I haaate both ends and beginnings, because believe it or not, I am not one of the most outgoing people; so when I start something new, my initial feeling is "oh, is this gunna totally stink", or "is this something completely weird?", or "am I going to do whatever wrong and look like a fool?" That being making anything new pretty much terrifying to me.

             And then endings, ooooooooh the endings. Endings, I tell ya, will give you some serious nostalgia, even if its the end of something horrible. Because when something is going to end, you most likely will come out with some story, or new people that you relate with. I can tell you from experience:; I'm in 8th grade, and so now I'm going to my itty-bitty school with maybe 300 people, to the big o'l high school with about 4x that. And however exciting graduation, my friends and I can't help but think things like "I'm going to miss watching all these crazy people trying to best our math teacher in an argument."

             NOW IF YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT THE QUOTE ABOVE READ HERE: Some of y'all may be wonderin' what's with the the quote above, or that it doesn't really match the title of this little post, or something along those lines. Well here is your answer, this week i am writing a prologue to a book that doesn't exist, yet. (who knows, maybe I'll write a book called Beginning and Ends and Everything Else I Can't Stand and you'll be able to say, I was able to witness this person's 8th grade writing) So it'll all make sense in about a paragraph or so. Well, Here We Go! :D 


Beginnings and Ends and Everything Else I Hate

             Life is all over the place, but it's not like organized all over the place where your heart is on that shelf over there, and your brain is on the shelf bellow it, and your gut is in that drawer that's two up from the bottom, and three in from the right. Life is the all over the place when a third of your heart in under the bed, and an eighth of it in the refrigerator, and fifth is in the garbage can, and all the rest you have no idea where it is except for the twentieth of a heart you're actually in control of.

             And then your brain, it fools you, like really fools you. You'll be so ready for something, and hen suddenly your brain like, falls through the cracks. And it stinks.

             But what makes this the worst, is that it causes more then your emotion to be all over the place and you being unable to put words together, it can effect your friendships and grades too, which I guess is caused by your emotions being all over the place and you not being able to put words together.

             I used to be organized, but that was before high school. My life was totally fine before I graduated 8th grade. Back then I could have sworn I had it all figured out.

              My friends and I were going to go through high school, I was going to get a GPA of at least 3.8, I was going to get into a good collage and major in the fine arts,  was going to find a true love, I was going to graduate collage, I was going to get a place of my own, I was going to get married, and life would be great.

              But boy, I couldn't have been more wrong. When I went into high school, it was like they threw a surprise welcome party for me and in the process of that happening they move all my things around. So then, part of my heart was in the trash, and some under the bed, and some in the refrigerator, and so on.

              And during those times, I felt life couldn't get worse. The very beginning of high school, and my only very beginning of high school had gone horribly. I kept getting lost in what seemed like endless hallways. None of my friends had any classes with me, and soon we just stopped contacting each other, leaving me to have to either be a loner for what I believed to be the rest of eternity, or find new friends, which frankly, I was not the most excited to do.

              My life had officially become all over the place, and very unorganized. And being the hopeless young person I was, I never bothered to even try to clean it up. I just thought I was done for.

              But now I'm a senior in high school, with 37 more days until graduation. And I finally got myself together. My life is still all over the place, but now in an organized way, well for now at least. I'd made new friends, and I'll admit I've gone through a guy or two. And looking back, those hallways weren't actually so big, and I hadn't completely lost my friends.

              However stressful, or frantic, I felt in a moment, I now look back and smile. I suppose I should enjoy organization while I can, because who knows, maybe college will throw me a big welcome slumber party, and some of my heart will end up buried in the back yard.

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