Friday, January 29, 2016

Food, Glorious Food😋


                  So as one might tell, this post is about food, yum.... SO! Here we go.


Emotional Food

                  What is emotional food? I don't know. In this case it's just a food that has a memory attached to it....I guess...


  No, not all emotional foods need to have huge moving, memories. Okay, why Doritos? Well I don't actually remember this happening, but I remember hearing this this story many, many times.


                  So, this was during the summer, and at a family party, there was a bag of Doritos, alright? Nothing out of the ordinary. But my oldest brother decided to take each Dorito from the bag, lick it, and put it back. Ew, I know. But then my aunt went to eat them, but now that my brother had licked them all, they were a....slightly....ahh shall I put it, soggy........ So she eats one and just says, "Hm, these are soggy, it must be really humid," and continues to eat it....

                   Would no one be like, "Oh these are soggy, I wonder why, I'm not going to eat them" You don't even have to put the thing in your MOUTH! I think you'd be able to tell when you touch it....


Wheat Thins

                        Ah, the Wheat Thins....

                  So this was again during the summer, and there was a party, in a way, at my house. Now we live behind a park, so there were basically people every where. An so around dust, my dad started a bonfire. and so there was this box of Wheat Thins. And so, my one cousin got bored and decided to start throwing the Wheat Thins into the fire....

                  Why would he do that? I really don't know. Why did you let him do it? I didn't really care, I thought....I don't know what I thought. But my mother was like "stOp you're wAsting foOd"



                    Bake 'em, Mash em', Put 'em inna' stew~~~~How do you like Your Potatoes done?

                      So, sometimes for Thanksgiving my family will go up to Wisconsin to my mom's parents. And so my grandma will usually make these amazing mashed potatoes, both white and sweet potatoes. And sometimes even the potatoes will be grown in their garden.And so then the potatoes come out of the oven warm  and everything right? Yum.

                    And so one fateful Thanksgiving, we went up to Wisconsin. And so nothing seemed abnormal or anything. We sit down for dinner and then start serving our selves. Everyone is taking a bit of everything; Mashed potatoes, sweet mashed potatoes, ham, turkey. green bean casserole and all that good stuff. And so my dad is the first to take a bit of the sweet potatoes, nothing abnormal. But then my brother ate some sweet potato, and he makes this weird face. He re-aligns his face to a happier expression and says "Hey grandma, how do you like the sweet potatoes?"

                       Now my grandma hadn't tried the sweet potatoes yet, so naturally in order to answer my brother's question she tries some.

                      I was young, and so I don't exactly remember the reaction, however I wish I did. But these sweet potatoes weren't the home grown, home made potatoes that my grandma usually made. These potatoes came from a can... I wouldn't think that a potatoes would taste as bad as they did, even from a can, maybe from my school, but canned potatoes shouldn't have tasted that bad. So, luckily, I was not a victim of the canned sweet potatoes that year

                    A few years later my dad did get a few cans of the oh so "wonderful' sweet potatoes....

Glory's right. :P


                        Welp, I hope you don't think my family and I are completely insane yet, ADIOS!

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